Thursday, July 16, 2009

Family Reunions

Okay, so it's been awhile since I blogged! I've been hooked on Facebook, I cannot lie! :) BUT...I guess I need to do both, b/c I found I can't really "journal" on a fb!

I just returned from our Bertelsen Family reunion in Utah. It was quite fun! The crazy thing is that amidst the craziness of that reunion, a Whitney Family reunion broke out! It was a BLAST! The first time really since my mother passed away, that we had all been together, enjoying each other's company and just playing HARD!

We had a mean game of football going the greenway of my nieces neighborhood. Even my 75 yr old dad came and joined us! It was a blast! I was sweating so much, but enjoyed every minute of it. All my brothers in law, my nephews, my new nephews in law (??? I never got that stuff) and all relatives in my immediate family. It was just really so much fun.

Johnny - my brother in law - make a MEAN enchalada dinner. Anyway.....we have really not had this much fun, or really gotten together with all the kids an spouses, etc...since I can remember and I'm so happy it happened. I'm grateful for my sis who organized it all b/c my kids got in the car on the way home and said, "I LOVE mom's side of the family".

I grew up only knowing one side of my family and I really didn't want that to happen. I'm so happy that my kids now know and enjoy the "other half" and will have memories to last.

Until next time!!!!.....

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